The future everyday™ For your projects, studies and dimensioning our matrix solutions suit you in a digital world and open you the doors of building digital modeling (BIM)
In 2016, CALADAIR INTERNATIONAL launched its future expansion by making massive investments in developing multiple digital platforms and applications, with the objective to better meet customers needs and market requirements. Year 2017 L'année 2017 bears fruit of this evolution, in keeping with CALADAIR philosophy, THE FUTURE EVERY DAY™. Innovative and effficient solutions to support professionnals in their projects development.

Application aimed to assist you in selecting and configuring CALADAIR equipments, mananging and tracking your quotations and projects. Required subscription on

BimGo™ is the CALADAIR BIM objects catalogue, in REVIT and IFC format. The access to the BimGo™ catalogue is available on subscription, on the platform